
want more information, or to enquire about advertising with us?

Explore Global’s extensive outdoor offering in Ireland. Everything you need to plan and buy the perfect campaign to reach and engage with your desired audience.

outdoor advertising cycle calendar

Outdoor advertising is on display for a 14-day period known as a cycle. There are 26 cycles in a calendar year. Click below to view a cycle calendar.

cycle calendar

production specs

Access the production specs for Global’s bus, digital, or classic formats.

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advertising rates

To get information on rates on our advertising formats please 

  • Phone 01 669 4500


  • Request a call back by clicking the link below
call back

become an advertising property partner

Whether you are a residential or commercial property owner, Global can help you unlock potential revenue.

Become an asset partner


Whether your target audience is national or local, or you want to reach people in the five main cities of Dublin, Cork, Galway, Waterford, or Limerick, Global has an outdoor advertising solution to fit your brief.

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Working at Global isn’t just a job – it’s an experience.

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