
want more information, or to enquire about advertising with us?

Our free standing 6 sheets, which are the same size posters as those seen in bus shelters, are placed in locations to maximise the chance of the passing audience seeing the advertising on them. 

With comprehensive distribution throughout Northern Ireland, we can ensure that wherever your business is there is the opportunity to reach your target audience through our 6 sheet advertising.

These formats are bright, at eye level, and reach a wide variety of audiences that are going about their daily routines.  We are able to identify the best locations based on your location or target audience and suggest the best sites for your brand campaign.


of all adults seeing small format advertising every week, 65% are daily TV viewers

of all adults seeing small format advertising every week, 49% are ABC1

of adults seeing small format advertising every week, 33% are age 16-24

the benefits

reach & frequency

reach & frequency

The impressive coverage and frequency of our 6 sheets combines to translate into more eyes on your campaign!

in plain sight

in plain sight

Freestanding and unobscured, the physical display of our 6 sheets means they are ready to be noticed.



Our 6 sheets are measured by JNOR to provide you with audience data. They rival the coverage of 6 sheets found in bus shelters but boast a 42% increase in frequency.

urban 6 sheet scale

Global has a 6 sheet presence in the 15 most populated urban areas in Northern Ireland which accounts for 43% of the total population.

explore road



Global is the largest provider of Bus advertising in Northern Ireland. Bus advertising offers much more than simply a means to communicate with those travelling on the bus.

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large format

large format

In a variety of shapes and sizes and located in key urban areas and on main arterial routes, billboard advertising is a great way for you to reach audiences on the move.

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Working at Global isn’t just a job – it’s an experience.

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