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Available at convenience stores and at petrol forecourts throughout Northern Ireland, these 6 sheet retail advertising opportunities are the same size posters seen in bus shelters. 

They are ideally located to capture the attention of top-up shoppers and influence them during that last window of purchase, as well as reaching those passing on a daily basis.

retail with local relevance


6 sheet opportunities


have a convenience store within 1 mile of their home


have a petrol forecourt within 1 mile of their home


Reach consumers in a moment of decision-making through proximity advertising at convenience and forecourt retailers such as Spar, Eurospar, Mace, Costcutter, Centra, Vivo and Vivoxtra. With 120+ opportunities and a presence in towns and cities throughout Northern Ireland, these 6 sheets can be used to achieve broadcast reach and frequency or be handpicked for a hyperlocal solution.

scale with retail

Uniquely, across our multiple retail environments we can deliver scale. The standard 6 sheet size of our retail opportunities at convenience, forecourts, high streets, supermarkets, and shopping malls, combined with sheer numbers, offers advertisers powerful broadcast reach and frequency.


of adults seeing posters outside convenience shops every week, 74% are daily TV viewers.

51% of adults seeing posters outside convenience shops are ABC1

of adults seeing posters outside convenience shops every week, 31% are age 16-34

explore retail

street hub

street hub

An opportunity for brands to get even closer to consumers for whom this isn’t just an advertising screen.

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supermarkets & malls

supermarkets & malls

6 sheets at supermarkets and digital advertising in shopping malls reach audiences when they are in an active shopping mindset and intent on making a purchase.

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phone kiosks

phone kiosks

With 1300+ kiosks throughout Northern Ireland, Global can offer brands unrivalled proximity to retail outlets and influence audiences at just the right moment.

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