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If you walk down most high streets in towns and cities across Northern Ireland, it’s not usually long before you spot a phone kiosk close by.

Phone kiosks give you the advantage of advertising on a local level but with provincewide scale. Across Northern Ireland, phone kiosks offer unrivalled frequency, reach, and scale, reaching high street consumers in a moment of purchase decision-making.


69% of adults have noticed phone kiosks in Northern Ireland’s towns and cities

52% say kiosk are effective at informing them about something that’s nearby e.g. a shop

of adults seeing phone kiosk advertising every week, 33% are age 16-24

the benefits



Phone Kiosks are located on the roadside, targeting vehicular traffic, as well as on pedestrian thoroughfares and high streets.



Phone kiosks reach high street consumers in proximity to retail outlets and businesses at a moment of purchase decision-making.

reach the hard to reach

reach the hard to reach

Use phone kiosks to extend your campaign into hard-to-reach areas where other advertising is limited

hyperlocal or mass scale?

Global has a phone kiosk presence in the 50 most populated urban areas in Northern Ireland which accounts for 61% of the total population. Choose provincewide scale or handpick locations to hyper-target your campaign.

explore retail

street hub

street hub

An opportunity for brands to get even closer to consumers for whom this isn’t just an advertising screen.

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supermarkets & malls

supermarkets & malls

6 sheets at supermarkets and digital advertising in shopping malls reach audiences when they are in an active shopping mindset and intent on making a purchase.

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convenience & forecourts

convenience & forecourts

6 sheets at convenience stores and at petrol forecourts influence shoppers about to enter the store as well as reaching those passing on a daily basis.

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