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Almost everyone encounters Out-of-Home on a daily basis. On the way to work or school, while shopping or refueling, Out-of-Home is seen everywhere. The medium is extremely suitable for advertisers to reach a large group of people in a short period of time.

advertising at Global



If your company or brand has a strong focus on a particular geographic area, then regional or local advertising is of interest to you.

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Global offers advertisers the opportunity to reach over 60% of the Netherlands in one week.

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Global brings together brands and target groups at an international level through a diverse portfolio throughout Europe.

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bus shelters

Global has a variety of options for advertising on the streets, in bus shelters or europanels. Thanks to the national distribution and round-the-clock visibility, we achieve a high reach in a short time. In addition to reaching the general public, it is also possible to use bus shelters and europanels specifically around sales outlets or in certain municipalities.

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digital out-of-home

Global is the market leader in Digital Out-of-Home. With a nationwide network of more than 2300 digital screens at supermarkets, at petrol stations, in shopping centres, on the street and along the road, we reach the whole of the Netherlands.

The flexibility of Digital Out-of-Home also makes it possible to target different target groups. It is possible for advertisers to be visible at the right time, at the right location and for the right target group, with the right message.

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tips creation

tips creation

The creation of an Out-of-Home campaign is of great importance and largely determines the impact of a campaign and the extent to which the goal of the campaign is achieved.

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Find out which surveys are important within Out-of-Home.

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rate card & delivery specifications

rate card & delivery specifications

Find the rate card and delivery specifications here.

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advertising viewer

Find out what the street view of your creation looks like with Global’s Advertising Viewer.

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working at Global isn’t just a job – it’s an experience.

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