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want more information, or to enquire about advertising with us?

Below is a list of our most common outdoor production specifications.

For any questions about sites not featured in this list, or if you are unsure which specification you should use, please contact our production department by emailing 

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insight tools

insight tools

Looking for more helpful information to get the most from outdoor advertising with Global? We have lots of research and useful information in our insight tools section too.

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Outdoors, on the move, at scale. Whether you’re looking to achieve audience reach on a provincewide scale, right across Northern Ireland, or on a local level, by town and by city, we’ve got you covered.

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campaign toolkit

campaign toolkit

We’ve created lots of helpful tools and resources to make planning and buying the perfect outdoor advertising campaign as easy as possible.

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Working at Global isn’t just a job – it’s an experience.

global careers