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We are Global

Together, we’re here to make everyone’s day brighter. Our people, our audiences, our partners, our communities, and our world.

With music and personality delivering entertainment and emotion. Information that illuminates and expands lives. Ambitious people sharing imaginative ideas in creative ways.

We touch hearts, change lives and drive deeper connections. And, as we create the best work of our careers, we’ll add a dash of Global Goodness along the way.

our culture

We think big, work hard, and never stand still. It’s our talented and passionate Globallers that make us leaders in creativity and innovation and the proud home to the best media and entertainment on the planet.

Whether we’re in the studio, building a world-class Global Player app or producing fast-moving digital content, we’re at our best when we’re working together.​

We’re here to make everyone’s day brighter. It’s why we show up, work hard, and above all, it’s the reason we all love to work here.​

The Global Goodness Report sets out what we’ve been up to so far, and our plans for the future. Click the link below to take a look.

The Global Goodness Report 2023

company information

Company name (registered number)

Global Media Group Services Limited (3296557)

Place of registration

England and Wales

Registered office

30 Leicester Square

Global Media Group Services Limited is part of the Global Media & Entertainment Group, the parent company of which is Global Media & Entertainment Limited (06251684), a company registered in England & Wales at the same registered office.

The consolidated financial statements for Global Media & Entertainment for the year ended 31 March 2023 are available here.

For Legal and Regulatory Information please visit here





Working at Global isn’t just a job – it’s an experience.

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