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The Inside Track: Keeping London moving

Hosted by LBC’s Shelagh Fogarty, this webinar brings together Metro editor Ted Young, TFL’s director of customer service Brian Woodhead and Global’s director of commercial outdoor and DAX Ollie Deane for an exclusive discussion on TFL’s response to lockdown and the truth about commuting during COVID.


Close to Home: How the UK reconnected with community

Tim John: Head of Global Newsroom, discuss  the different benefits lockdown has brought outdoor advertising with Gill Huber: Chief Client Officer – Posterscope, Mel Matson: Director of Customer Proposition & Communications – Co-op and Kate Rutter: Head of Commercial Insight – Global. Don’t miss their brilliant insights into how brands can adapt and thrive in this new normal – catch up with our webinar right now.


Seeing the bigger picture

Why do large format billboards remain an essential choice for ambitious brands? Adam Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer of Global, chatted with industry experts to explore why outdoor ads pack such a punch with creatives and consumers alike. In an increasingly visual world, there’s nothing like a great out of home to set up a brand visual identity. Catch up on our webinar now to find out how the smartest brands are using billboards to make an impact.


Outdoor Week Quiz Leaderboard

1st Prize – Electric Scooter
James Willerton – Open Outdoor

2nd Prize – £100 Amazon Vouchers
James Bramley – Kinetic

3rd Prize – £50 Amazon Vouchers
Marc Gutreich – Open Outdoor

4th place – Joe
5th place – Jaxon
6th place – Sarah
7th place – Reubs
8th place – Paul D
9th place – Shahin
10th place – Rosie S



To learn more about the ‘Need to Know’ product presentations please get in touch with your Global contact to arrange a refresh session.

To learn more about the content from Global’s first Outdoor Week, get in touch with us here






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