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Global is home to the UK’s biggest and best-loved radio stations.

We can tell you exactly how many listeners Global has per month, the demographic of a Global station’s listeners (age, gender, income, interests etc.) and when they are listening (time of day, day of week).

In the same way that online advertising includes Google ads, Facebook ads or YouTube video ads; radio has a list of different formats to choose from.

To contact our Commercial Sales Team, please reach us via the chat icon or submit an enquiry form here.

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Radio Formats | Planning | Booking Advertising | Formats That Compliment Radio

radio advertising formats

Types of radio formats available – subject to availability/approval.

read more about radio advertising results

spot airtime

One of the most adaptable radio formats, spot airtime can be bought and used across different stations, days and dayparts – whichever is best to meet your business needs.

live reads

Where a radio personality or one of our famous DJs like Jamie Theakston, Amanda Holden, Chris Moyles , Marvin Humes, JK, Kelly Brook, Pandora Christie, Emma Bunton, Ellie Taylor, Anna Whitehouse, Sian Welby and Jenni Falconer will read your advert live on air, or a pre-recording.


Our sponsorships are engaging ways to bring your brand to life and connect with your audience. You can sponsor shows, travel and weather reports, events and more.


Perfect for brand awareness and identity, jingles are a memorable form of sonic branding that leave an imprint in a listener’s mind. We can also create bespoke music for your adverts.


On-air competitions are a great way to promote your business. They create excitement and are an effective way of boosting recall and awareness.

personified commercials

Which focus primarily on emotional impacts through storytelling.

straight reads

Regular radio ads that focus on the main advantages of the business and how listeners can act


Planning a radio advert – make sure to cover:

  • What radio station to advertise on and which location will be best suited to your campaign?
  • Whether you want to extend past the average length of four weeks, e.g. do you want a constant level of awareness? 
  • It’s all about frequency, so do not schedule erratic slots; find out what airtime is available. Be aware that prime commuting times are likely to be popular and more expensive. The more airtime you buy, the cheaper it will become.
cost of radio advertising


Booking your campaign

Global is a leader in commercial radio. As a business, you can book your campaign directly with us or via a media/advertising agency that will further help you lay down your advertising schedule. 

Our marketing and sales team can also help advise you on the right radio station, times and types of advertisements that best align with your specific goals and budget. Our creative teams will work with you to write and record commercials that have impact and deliver result.

get in touch

advertising formats that compliment radio

At Global, we can offer expert advice on and skilled implementation of multiple types of advertising; we can help you decide what is best suited for your company.

This includes; roadside adverts, underground, overground, metro, trams and airport adverts. 

Learn more about our successful projects, including our iconic digital screens at Canary Wharf, encouraging commuters to engage with John Lewis and succeeded in capturing the attention of 31% of Canary Wharf commuters who interacted with the brand online.  After two weeks of the adverts being live, participants who used the station were surveyed, and results showed that the number of commuters who did recall the John Lewis ads increased from 22% to 62%.

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