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A good ad campaign makes more money than it costs. The cost of radio advertising is well within the range of most UK SMEs.

We cannot give rate card prices as the cost can vary tremendously because of the following factors. However, as we own all of our radio stations, we can give you accurate costs instantly over the phone on 0333 200 6000. Our brands include Heart, Capital, LBC and Smooth FM.

cost factors

What affects the price?

Not all of these apply to Global radio advertising but are generally indicative of the UK radio media buying market.

  • Ad length (the most common ads are 30 seconds, but you can buy 10-second slots, or more than 30 seconds depending on availability referred to as LEN:).
  • Research shows that the longer time lengths are more effective at generating recall.
  • Shorter spots cost less so therefore could be more cost-efficient.
  • The best advice is to select the best spot length to get your message across effectively within your budget.
  • The length of the campaign will also affect the cost of your advertising.
  • We suggest a minimum of four weeks to maintain awareness, but you should consider running for a longer time if your budget will allow.
  • A new advertiser to radio may need longer to become established and cut through.
  • As well as spot advertising, you can also run sponsorship or promotions on air. Costs for these are available by contacting us directly.
where to start

other factors

  • Running campaigns based on Reach is considered to be the best way to optimise return on investment from radio advertising.
  • Reach is the number of people that will hear your advertising.
  • We use RAJAR data to measure how many people are listening to a station at different times during the day.
  • To measure the cost efficiency of a campaign we use a CEF (cost-efficiency factor). This is total number of hours people listen to a radio station divided by the total number of hours that your target audience listen.
  • The lower the factor, the more cost-efficient the station.
measuring results

optimising your campaign

The cost of radio advertising depends on many factors; however, buying airtime with Global is a straightforward and transparent process.

We can show you all your options and optimise your campaign so it has the best chance of returning a successful ROI and meeting its targets and goals. Remember to factor the cost of creating your radio ad into your ‘costs’ and tell us which audience that you want to target.

See which radio stations to advertise on.





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